Kong Gateway Certified Associate

This is the entry level certification on Kong Gateway for developers, DevOps and architects. Those with the certification should be able to demonstrate a fundamental understanding of microservice connectivity, and managing multiple APIs in a multi platform environment.


Kong Provides sufficient training to prepare you for the certification exams, but there is no substitute for practice and expanding your knowledge and experiences by continuing to use the system.

Anyone wishing to obtain the Kong Gateway Certified Associate certification should be able to do the following:

  • Describe the API request and response flow through the Kong Gateway
  • Configure Kong Gateway using the Admin API and Kong Manager, and declaratively using decK
  • Explain and create Services, Routes, Plugins, and Consumers 
  • Configure upstreams and load balancing
  • Describe and configure dataplane security using RBAC, Roles, Workspaces, and Teams
  • Use Insomnia to design, test, and manage an API based on the OpenAPI Specification
  • Use "inso" tool to lint and test APIs in APIOps pipelines
  • Describe Kong Gateway Installation requirements and steps
  • Describe Kong Upgrade approaches and versioning
  • Enable common plugins for Authentication, Security, Traffic Control, Analytics & Monitoring, Transformations, and Logging
  • Troubleshoot common problems on Kong Gateway
  • Use Kong Vitals to monitor Kong Gateway's health and performance
  • Pull metrics using Vitals API and integrate InfluxDB or Prometheus


The following self-paced training courses will give you a solid base knowledge on Kong Gateway, and cover all theoretical and practical aspects of the exam:

Optional Learning Labs

*Kong provides sufficient training to prepare you for the certification exams, but there is no substitute for practice and expanding your knowledge and experience by continuing to use the system.