Building gRPC APIs with Rust
In recent decades it's become common for communication between backend services to employ HTTP APIs with JSON payloads. Many HTTP APIs adhere (or at least aspire) to REST Principles, though many fall into a category we'll call "REST-like". Some "REST-like" APIs ultimately end up operating like Remote Procedure Call (RPC) APIs in that they are less concerned with CRUD Operations and operate more as if they're calling general procedures on the API endpoint.
RPC APIs can be a great alternative to "REST-like" APIs and operate as a set of functions/subroutines which can be called over a network. RPC APIs are often more lightweight and performant than HTTP APIs, but can also be a little more burdensome to set up initially. The gRPC project was introduced to improve the set-up and tooling experience for creating and maintaining RPC APIs, providing a "batteries included" experience.
gRPC is a modern, open source high performance RPC framework which is a Cloud Native Compute Foundation (CNCF) project that operates on top of HTTP/2 and provides automatic code generation. gRPC can be a helpful solution for your projects to enable quick setup, lighter data transfers and better maintenance costs. Utilizing Protocol Buffers to define services with callable methods, code for servers and clients can be automatically generated in a number of programming languages which reduces the time it takes to build API clients and to provide updates and improvements to them over time.
The Rust Programming Language is a great compliment to our gRPC story so far as we're already thinking about performance. Rust provides excellent execution performance as well as state-of-the-art memory safety guarantees for developing your applications. Rust is not yet considered one of the core languages supported by the gRPC project, but in this walkthrough we will demonstrate how developers can get started building gRPC services in Rust today using the highly capable Tonic framework. We will demonstrate setting up a new project, creating our services with Protocol Buffers, generating client and server code and then ultimately using the API to call methods over the network and stream data.
Automated API Creation Mastered: Self-Service APIs with Konnect for Agility

Ensure that you have Rust installed on your system and select an editor of your choice for creating the code.
Note: This demo expects some familiarity with Rust, though all the code is provided so in theory this could be helpful for newcomers. If you're brand new to Rust however, we would recommend checking out the excellent official Learn Rust documentation before continuing, in order to get your bearings.
Note: Tonic requires Rust
+. This demo was originally written usingv1.65.0
, so if you run into trouble with other releases, you might consider giving that specific version a try.
Install the Protocol Buffers Compiler for your system, as this will be needed to generate our server and client code.
Note: This demo was built and tested on an Arch Linux system, but should work on any platform where Tonic and
are supported. If you end up having any trouble building Tonic on your system, check out the getting help documentation and reach out to the community.
Download and install Insomnia from official-website. Insomnia is an open source API testing tool, and it supports testing REST, gRPC and GraphQL services.
Step 1: Scaffolding
Choose a directory where you'll be adding code, and generate a new crate for the code with:
$ cargo new --bin demo
Next we'll define protobuf files which will generate client code for us.
Step 2: Service Definition Protobuf
For this demo we'll be creating a service which is responsible for keeping track of the inventory of a grocery store, with the ability to view and create items as well as the ability to watch for changes in inventory (so that we can try a streaming call as well as non-streaming calls).
We will build our grocery store service using Protocol Buffers, which are configured with .proto
files wherein the services and types are defined. Start by creating the proto/
directory where our .proto
files will live:
$ mkdir proto/
Then create proto/store.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package store;
The above defines which version of protocol buffers we'll be using, and the package name. Next we'll add our service:
service Inventory {
// Add inserts a new Item into the inventory.
rpc Add(Item) returns (InventoryChangeResponse);
// Remove removes Items from the inventory.
rpc Remove(ItemIdentifier) returns (InventoryChangeResponse);
// Get retrieves Item information.
rpc Get(ItemIdentifier) returns (Item);
// UpdateQuantity increases or decreases the stock quantity of an Item.
rpc UpdateQuantity(QuantityChangeRequest) returns (InventoryUpdateResponse);
// UpdatePrice increases or decreases the price of an Item.
rpc UpdatePrice(PriceChangeRequest) returns (InventoryUpdateResponse);
// Watch streams Item updates from the inventory.
rpc Watch(ItemIdentifier) returns (stream Item);
This service provides that calls we can use for a basic level of control over our store's inventory, including creating and removing items, updating their stock quantity/price and viewing or streaming item information. Next we'll create the messages which are the types needed for these calls:
message ItemIdentifier {
string sku = 2;
message ItemStock {
float price = 1;
uint32 quantity = 2;
message ItemInformation {
optional string name = 1;
optional string description = 2;
message Item {
ItemIdentifier identifier = 1;
ItemStock stock = 2;
optional ItemInformation information = 3;
message QuantityChangeRequest {
string sku = 1;
int32 change = 2;
message PriceChangeRequest {
string sku = 1;
float price = 2;
message InventoryChangeResponse {
string status = 1;
message InventoryUpdateResponse {
string status = 1;
float price = 2;
uint32 quantity = 3;
Now we have the service and messages we need to ask the protoc
compiler to generate some of our server and our client code.
Step 3: Compiling Protobuf
Now that we have our service, calls and messages all defined we should be able to compile that into a Rust API server and client.
To do so, we'll need to add some dependencies on tonic
and prost
to handle gRPC and protobufs. Update the Cargo.toml
to include them:
name = "demo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
publish = false
name = "server"
path = "src/"
name = "cli"
path = "src/"
tonic = "0.8"
prost = "0.11"
tokio = { version = "1.24", features = ["macros", "rt-multi-thread"] }
tokio-stream = { version = "0.1", features = ["net"] }
futures = "0.3"
clap = { version = "4.1.4", features = ["derive"] }
tonic-reflection = "0.6.0"
tonic-build = "0.8"
uuid = { version = "1.2.2", features = ["v4", "fast-rng"] }
futures-util = "0.3.25"
anyhow = "1"
Once the dependencies are updated, we'll need to add build tooling that will hook the cargo build
step to compile our .proto
file during every build. We can do that by creating
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let proto_file = "./proto/store.proto";
let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
.protoc_arg("--experimental_allow_proto3_optional") // for older systems
.compile(&[proto_file], &["proto"])?;
Note: the
argument isn't strictly necessary on newer systems withprotoc
+, but it won't hurt anything either. This is particularly helpful for users of Ubuntu LTS or other systems where the packagedprotoc
is significantly older.
We've indicated that we want both client and server built, and the output directory for the generated code should be the src/
directory. Now we should be able to run:
$ cargo build
There should now be a src/
created for us with our client and server code conveniently generated.
Step 4: Implementing the Server
Now that we've generated the code for our service, we'll need to add our implementation of the server methods for the client to call.
Start by creating a new src/
file and we'll begin with the imports we'll need:
use futures::Stream;
use std::borrow::BorrowMut;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::{mpsc, Mutex};
use tokio_stream::wrappers::UnboundedReceiverStream;
use tonic::{Request, Response, Status};
use crate::store::inventory_server::Inventory;
use crate::store::{
InventoryChangeResponse, InventoryUpdateResponse, Item, ItemIdentifier, PriceChangeRequest,
We'll also provide some helpful error messages for a variety of failure conditions which our API can reach related to inventory management:
const BAD_PRICE_ERR: &str = "provided PRICE was invalid";
const DUP_PRICE_ERR: &str = "item is already at this price";
const DUP_ITEM_ERR: &str = "item already exists in inventory";
const EMPTY_QUANT_ERR: &str = "invalid quantity of 0 provided";
const EMPTY_SKU_ERR: &str = "provided SKU was empty";
const NO_ID_ERR: &str = "no ID or SKU provided for item";
const NO_ITEM_ERR: &str = "the item requested was not found";
const NO_STOCK_ERR: &str = "no stock provided for item";
const UNSUFF_INV_ERR: &str = "not enough inventory for quantity change";
Next up we're going to implement the Inventory
trait which was generated for us from the proto/store.proto
file in the last step. For each of the methods we added to our Inventory
service, we'll write our own implementation.
We'll create a StoreInventory
object to implement our inventory service:
pub struct StoreInventory {
inventory: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, Item>>>,
impl Default for StoreInventory {
fn default() -> Self {
StoreInventory {
inventory: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::<String, Item>::new())),
impl Inventory for StoreInventory {}
Note: you may notice we're using lots of async Rust terminology, and imports from the Tokio Runtime. If you're newer to Rust, and the use of these things are a bit confusing, don't worry! There's some great material out there to get you caught up on async Rust: check out the Rust Async Book and the Tokio Runtime Tutorial first and get your bearings.
Our StoreInventory
will have an inventory
field which contains a threadsafe hashmap, which will be the in-memory storage for our inventory system. We implement the Default
trait for convenience, and then we provide the impl Inventory
block. Now we can start adding our method implementations for add
, remove
, update_price
and so forth, so the following code blocks should be placed nested inside that impl Inventory for StoreInventory
Let's start with adding the add
async fn add(
request: Request<Item>,
) -> Result<Response<InventoryChangeResponse>, Status> {
let item = request.into_inner();
// validate SKU, verify that it's present and not empty
let sku = match item.identifier.as_ref() {
Some(id) if id.sku == "" => return Err(Status::invalid_argument(EMPTY_SKU_ERR)),
Some(id) => id.sku.to_owned(),
None => return Err(Status::invalid_argument(NO_ID_ERR)),
// validate stock, verify its present and price is not negative or $0.00
match item.stock.as_ref() {
Some(stock) if stock.price <= 0.00 => {
return Err(Status::invalid_argument(BAD_PRICE_ERR))
Some(_) => {}
None => return Err(Status::invalid_argument(NO_STOCK_ERR)),
// if the item is already present don't allow the duplicate
let mut map = self.inventory.lock().await;
if let Some(_) = map.get(&sku) {
return Err(Status::already_exists(DUP_ITEM_ERR));
// add the item to the inventory
map.insert(sku.into(), item);
Ok(Response::new(InventoryChangeResponse {
status: "success".into(),
In the above you will find that a Request<Item>
is provided (from our client when called) which includes the entire item that we need to store in the inventory. Some validation is performed to ensure data-integrity, we lock the Mutex
on our HashMap
to ensure thread safety and integrity and then ultimately the item is stored by SKU into the HashMap
We'll add the remove
counterpart as well, which is more simple:
async fn remove(
request: Request<ItemIdentifier>,
) -> Result<Response<InventoryChangeResponse>, Status> {
let identifier = request.into_inner();
// don't allow empty SKU
if identifier.sku == "" {
return Err(Status::invalid_argument(EMPTY_SKU_ERR));
// remove the item (if present)
let mut map = self.inventory.lock().await;
let msg = match map.remove(&identifier.sku) {
Some(_) => "success: item was removed",
None => "success: item didn't exist",
Ok(Response::new(InventoryChangeResponse {
status: msg.into(),
Note: this method returns success for removal of items that didn't exist, but informs the user of that circumstance.
Now that items can be added and removed, they also need to be retrieveable, let's add our get
async fn get(&self, request: Request<ItemIdentifier>) -> Result<Response<Item>, Status> {
let identifier = request.into_inner();
// don't allow empty SKU
if identifier.sku == "" {
return Err(Status::invalid_argument(EMPTY_SKU_ERR));
// retrieve the item if it exists
let map = self.inventory.lock().await;
let item = match map.get(&identifier.sku) {
Some(item) => item,
None => return Err(Status::not_found(NO_ITEM_ERR)),
The get
implementation is small and simple, validating input and returning the inventory Item
if present.
We can add and retrieve, but we also need to be able to update in place. Let's add our update_quantity
async fn update_quantity(
request: Request<QuantityChangeRequest>,
) -> Result<Response<InventoryUpdateResponse>, Status> {
let change = request.into_inner();
// don't allow empty SKU
if change.sku == "" {
return Err(Status::invalid_argument(EMPTY_SKU_ERR));
// quantity changes with no actual change don't make sense, inform user
if change.change == 0 {
return Err(Status::invalid_argument(EMPTY_QUANT_ERR));
// retrieve the current inventory item data
let mut map = self.inventory.lock().await;
let item = match map.get_mut(&change.sku) {
Some(item) => item,
None => return Err(Status::not_found(NO_ITEM_ERR)),
// retrieve the stock mutable so we can update the quantity
let mut stock = match item.stock.borrow_mut() {
Some(stock) => stock,
None => return Err(Status::internal(NO_STOCK_ERR)),
// validate and then handle the quantity change
stock.quantity = match change.change {
// handle negative numbers as stock reduction
change if change < 0 => {
if change.abs() as u32 > stock.quantity {
return Err(Status::resource_exhausted(UNSUFF_INV_ERR));
stock.quantity - change.abs() as u32
// handle positive numbers as stock increases
change => stock.quantity + change as u32,
Ok(Response::new(InventoryUpdateResponse {
status: "success".into(),
price: stock.price,
quantity: stock.quantity,
Again we provide some validation, and enable the two ways the caller can update the quantity: positive or negative changes. Ultimately the validated change is updated in place in memory for subsequent calls.
The update_price
method will be similar:
async fn update_price(
request: Request<PriceChangeRequest>,
) -> Result<Response<InventoryUpdateResponse>, Status> {
let change = request.into_inner();
// don't allow empty SKU
if change.sku == "" {
return Err(Status::invalid_argument(EMPTY_SKU_ERR));
// $0.00 disallowed and negatives don't make sense, inform the user
if change.price <= 0.0 {
return Err(Status::invalid_argument(BAD_PRICE_ERR));
// retrieve the current inventory item data
let mut map = self.inventory.lock().await;
let item = match map.get_mut(&change.sku) {
Some(item) => item,
None => return Err(Status::not_found(NO_ITEM_ERR)),
// retrieve the stock mutable so we can update the quantity
let mut stock = match item.stock.borrow_mut() {
Some(stock) => stock,
None => return Err(Status::internal(NO_STOCK_ERR)),
// let the client know if they requested to change the price to the
// price that is already currently set
if stock.price == change.price {
return Err(Status::invalid_argument(DUP_PRICE_ERR));
// update the item unit price
stock.price = change.price;
Ok(Response::new(InventoryUpdateResponse {
status: "success".into(),
price: stock.price,
quantity: stock.quantity,
The main differences in update_price
from update_quantity
are the validation rules about price: $0.00
priced items are not allowed, and we guard against negative prices.
Now as we add our watch
implementation things will get a little bit more interesting, as we have to provide the mechanism to stream updates back out to the client. First we'll define a return type for our stream which will utilize the Stream
type from Rust's futures library:
type WatchStream = Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<Item, Status>> + Send>>;
Our streams will consist of a Result<Item, Status>
where each update the client receives will either contain a new copy of the Item
which has changed, or a Status
indicating any problems that were encountered (and corresponding with the error messages we placed in constants in a previous step).
With that we can define our watch
async fn watch(
request: Request<ItemIdentifier>,
) -> Result<Response<Self::WatchStream>, Status> {
// retrieve the relevant item and get a baseline
let id = request.into_inner();
let mut item = self.get(Request::new(id.clone())).await?.into_inner();
// the channel will be our stream back to the client, we'll send copies
// of the requested item any time we notice a change to it in the
// inventory.
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
// we'll loop and poll new copies of the item until either the client
// closes the connection, or an error occurs.
let inventory = self.inventory.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
// it's somewhat basic, but for this demo we'll just check the
// item every second for any changes.
// pull a fresh copy of the item in the inventory
let map = inventory.lock().await;
let item_refresh = match map.get(&id.sku) {
Some(item) => item,
// the item has been removed from the inventory. Let the
// client know, and stop the stream.
None => {
if let Err(err) = tx.send(Err(Status::not_found(NO_ITEM_ERR))) {
println!("ERROR: failed to update stream client: {:?}", err);
// check to see if the item has changed since we last saw it,
// and if it has inform the client via the stream.
if item_refresh != &item {
if let Err(err) = tx.send(Ok(item_refresh.clone())) {
println!("ERROR: failed to update stream client: {:?}", err);
// cache the most recent copy of the item
item = item_refresh.clone()
let stream = UnboundedReceiverStream::new(rx);
Ok(Response::new(Box::pin(stream) as Self::WatchStream))
Note: keep in mind that all code is just for demonstration purposes, you would not necessarily want to, for instance, use unbounded channels in your production applications.
The comments throughout should hopefully provide a good walkthrough of how everything works, but these are the high level steps:
- validate the input
- create a
which we will streamItem
data into - use
to spawn a new asynchronous task in the background which will continue to update our client with changes to the subscribedItem
until the client closes the connection, or an error occurs - send the
portion of theChannel
back wrapped as ourWatchStream
type we defined in the previous step
With that we can add
, remove
, get
, update
and watch
items in our inventory! We need a mechanism to start this server we just created, so let's add that to our src/
, making the file look like this:
use tonic::transport::Server;
use server::StoreInventory;
use store::inventory_server::InventoryServer;
pub mod server;
pub mod store;
mod store_proto {
pub(crate) const FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SET: &[u8] =
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let addr = "".parse()?;
let inventory = StoreInventory::default();
let reflection_service = tonic_reflection::server::Builder::configure()
Note: You can notice that we are registering
. Reflection service is an implementation of Server Reflection specification that allows gRPC clients discover services available on gRPC clients. Next, we demonstrate how Insomnia gRPC client can learn about what methods are available inInventoryService
In the next steps we'll move on to client code so that we can see our server in action.
Step 4.5: Testing gRPC Server with Insomnia
We're going to run our server in the background, and then try a variety of cli commands against it.
Start by creating a new separate terminal which we'll dedicate to the server and run:
$ cargo run --release --bin server
At first, we are going to test our server using Insomnia.
After you downloaded and installed Insomnia, open it and click ⨁ icon and select «gRPC Request».
Enter localhost:9001
in gRPC server bar.
In gRPC method dropdown, select Click to use server reflection.
Select Unary method /Inventory/Add
and add body of json request.
"identifier": {
"sku": "TESTSKU"
"stock": {
"price": 1.9900000095367432,
"quantity": 20
"information": {
"name": "bananas",
"description": "yellow fruit"
Note: Feel free to experiment with other methods of Inventory service on your own.
Step 5: Implementing the Client
The server should be is up and running (if not, start it with cargo run --release --bin server
), now we need to be able to use the generated API client to view and manage our inventory. For this we will make a command-line tool which can be used to manage the inventory using the gRPC API.
We'll use Clap, which is a popular command-line toolkit for Rust and create our CLI. Create the file src/
and add the required imports:
pub mod store;
use clap::Parser;
use futures::StreamExt;
use store::inventory_client::InventoryClient;
use store::{
Item, ItemIdentifier, ItemInformation, ItemStock, PriceChangeRequest, QuantityChangeRequest,
So we've imported the Parser
from Clap so we can construct our CLI using structs with Clap attributes and we've imported the InventoryClient
and some of our other relevant types from our API, now let's add our commands:
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct Options {
command: Command,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
enum Command {
The above instructs Clap to provide the entries in the Command
enum as sub-commands so that we'll be able to run demo add
, demo remove
, and so forth. We'll need to add the options and the implementation for each of these, so let's get started with add
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct AddOptions {
sku: String,
price: f32,
#[clap(default_value = "0", long)]
quantity: u32,
name: Option<String>,
description: Option<String>,
async fn add(opts: AddOptions) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut client = InventoryClient::connect("").await?;
let id = ItemIdentifier { sku: opts.sku };
let stock = ItemStock {
price: opts.price,
quantity: opts.quantity,
let info = ItemInformation {
description: opts.description,
let item = Item {
identifier: Some(id),
stock: Some(stock),
information: Some(info),
let request = tonic::Request::new(item);
let response = client.add(request).await?;
assert_eq!(response.into_inner().status, "success");
println!("success: item was added to the inventory.");
The AddOptions
struct enables us to provide all the required data to add an item to the inventory, and includes helpful options like the ability to provide defaults and Options
can be used for optional parameters. With this we'll be able to run things like demo add --sku 87A7669F --price 1.99
to add a new Item
to the inventory.
Next up we'll handle remove
, which is fairly brief:
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct RemoveOptions {
sku: String,
async fn remove(opts: RemoveOptions) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut client = InventoryClient::connect("").await?;
let request = tonic::Request::new(ItemIdentifier { sku: opts.sku });
let response = client.remove(request).await?;
let msg = response.into_inner().status;
println!("{}", msg);
The get
functions's implementation is small as well:
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct GetOptions {
sku: String,
async fn get(opts: GetOptions) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut client = InventoryClient::connect("").await?;
let request = tonic::Request::new(ItemIdentifier { sku: opts.sku });
let item = client.get(request).await?.into_inner();
println!("found item: {:?}", item);
Now for the update functions, which will somewhat resemble one-another, starting with update_quantity
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct UpdateQuantityOptions {
sku: String,
#[clap(allow_hyphen_values = true, long)]
change: i32,
async fn update_quantity(opts: UpdateQuantityOptions) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut client = InventoryClient::connect("").await?;
let request = tonic::Request::new(QuantityChangeRequest {
sku: opts.sku,
change: opts.change,
let message = client.update_quantity(request).await?.into_inner();
assert_eq!(message.status, "success");
"success: quantity was updated. Quantity: {} Price: {}",
message.quantity, message.price
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct UpdatePriceOptions {
sku: String,
price: f32,
async fn update_price(opts: UpdatePriceOptions) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut client = InventoryClient::connect("").await?;
let request = tonic::Request::new(PriceChangeRequest {
sku: opts.sku,
price: opts.price,
let message = client.update_price(request).await?.into_inner();
assert_eq!(message.status, "success");
"success: price was updated. Quantity: {} Price: {}",
message.quantity, message.price
Our watch
command is surprisingly simple, given that the implementation on the server side was fairly involved, all we need to do is receive the Stream
from the watch
request on the server, and iterate through it with .next()
async fn watch(opts: GetOptions) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut client = InventoryClient::connect("").await?;
let mut stream = client
.watch(ItemIdentifier {
sku: opts.sku.clone(),
println!("streaming changes to item {}", opts.sku);
while let Some(item) = {
match item {
Ok(item) => println!("item was updated: {:?}", item),
Err(err) => {
if err.code() == tonic::Code::NotFound {
println!("watched item has been removed from the inventory.");
} else {
return Err(err.into());
println!("stream closed");
Also you'll see that we didn't bother making a specific option struct for watch as the previously created GetOptions
type is perfectly sufficient.
With all our API methods covered, now we just need to tie it all together with Clap and add our main
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let opts = Options::parse();
use Command::*;
match opts.command {
Add(opts) => add(opts).await?,
Remove(opts) => remove(opts).await?,
Get(opts) => get(opts).await?,
UpdateQuantity(opts) => update_quantity(opts).await?,
UpdatePrice(opts) => update_price(opts).await?,
Watch(opts) => watch(opts).await?,
Now we're ready to test everything out!
Step 6: Trying It Out
Everything's in place, and now it's time to see our work in action!
Now let's test gRPC client using cli app we developed earlier. Then in another terminal in the work directory, let's compile the CLI and make a copy:
$ cargo build --release --bin cli
$ cp target/release/cli ./
Now we should be ready to start making commands. Let's start by adding a new Item
to the inventory:
$ ./cli add --sku TESTSKU --price 1.99 --quantity 20 --name bananas --description "yellow fruit"
success: item was added to the inventory.
Retrieve the item to see its contents:
$ ./cli get --sku TESTSKU
found item: { sku: "TESTSKU" }, stock: { price: 1.99, quantity: 0 }, information: { name: "bananas", description: "yellow fruit" }
Great, and let's run the exact same thing another time, to verify that our validation code rejects the duplicate:
$ ./cli add --sku TESTSKU --price 2.99
Error: Status { code: AlreadyExists, message: "item already exists in inventory" }
Then we can change the quantity, as if some inventory had been purchased:
$ ./cli update-quantity --sku TESTSKU --change -17
success: quantity was updated. Quantity: 3 Price: 1.99
Then update the price:
$ ./cli update-price --sku TESTSKU --price 2.19
success: price was updated. Quantity: 3 Price: 2.19
Then we can watch
the item as we change the inventory, in a new terminal dedicated to running watch
$ ./cli watch --sku TESTSKU
streaming changes to item TESTSKU
Then back in our previous terminal, make several changes and even remove the item entirely:
$ ./cli update-quantity --sku TESTSKU --change +50
success: quantity was updated. Quantity: 53 Price: 2.19
$ ./cli update-price --sku TESTSKU --price 1.99
success: price was updated. Quantity: 53 Price: 1.99
$ ./cli remove --sku TESTSKU
success: item was removed
Over in the watch
terminal, you should have seen a stream of all the actions:
$ ./cli watch --sku TESTSKU
streaming changes to item TESTSKU
item was updated: Item { identifier: Some(ItemIdentifier { sku: "TESTSKU" }), stock: Some(ItemStock { price: 2.19, quantity: 53 }), information: Some(ItemInformation { name: Some("bananas"), description: Some("yellow fruit") }) }
item was updated: Item { identifier: Some(ItemIdentifier { sku: "TESTSKU" }), stock: Some(ItemStock { price: 1.99, quantity: 53 }), information: Some(ItemInformation { name: Some("bananas"), description: Some("yellow fruit") }) }
watched item has been removed from the inventory.
stream closed
We've accomplished what we set out to do, we have an API with a streaming endpoint, and a CLI which exercises it. If you want to play around with it more, Clap automatically generates --help
$ ./cli --help
Usage: cli <COMMAND>
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
At this point you should have a solid basic understanding of how to set up and test gRPC services written in Rust with the Tonic framework.
Next Steps
I hope you enjoyed this demo. If you're interested in doing more with it the code provided here was a light touch for the purposes of demonstration brevity, but there are certainly some follow-up tasks you could do if you like.
All the code is available for you on Github and if you find ways you'd like to improve it feel free to send in a pull request.
Some tasks that were not covered in this demo for time reasons were:
- adding TLS and auth to the client and server to protect data
- add command line flags for the cli and server, enable changing
- improve the appearance of the CLI output for better human readability
And certainly many more tasks. Or you can start your own project with what you learned here, either way happy coding!
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