Learning Center
September 20, 2024
12 min read

What is Multimodal AI? Technology that Sees, Hears, and Understands


Multimodal AI is a critical player in the new wave of artificial intelligence. By combining different types of data like text, images, and audio, multimodal AI creates more intuitive and versatile AI systems that can more closely mimic human decision-making. Whether it’s for a virtual healthcare assistant that understands voice commands and visual cues or a system that enhances character behavior in video games by integrating gestures and expressions, multimodal AI is opening up possibilities across all fields. 

In this starter guide, we'll break down the basics of multimodal AI, explore its use cases and applications, and give step-by-step instructions for how to implement it in your business processes. Let’s go! 

Understanding multimodal AI

Modality refers to how information is shared and shown. Multimodal AI is based on the concept of multimodal models, which are made up of several unimodal neural networks to process information that comes in various forms, or “modes.” This type of artificial intelligence can process and combine multiple types of data — such as text, images, audio, and video — to complete tasks, form insights, and make accurate predictions. 

The basics of multimodal AI

Unlike traditional AI systems that typically focus on a single data type, multimodal AI integrates and analyzes several different forms of data to generate more comprehensive, well-rounded, and accurate insights and responses. Combining various data sources allows multimodal AI to perform complex tasks that use multiple points of context, such as voice interpretation with facial recognition, or image analysis and list scanning. 

  • Data fusion techniques allow these AI systems to extract and combine relevant information from multiple modalities. These are the most commonly used data fusion techniques in multimodal AI:
  • Early fusion combines raw data or features extracted from different modalities at the initial stages, allowing the AI model to learn from each data source simultaneously. For example, in a scenario involving both audio and video data, the system would extract features from each respective stream and then merge them into a single feature vector. Intermediate fusion takes place during data preparation, after initial processing but before the final decision-making stage. This approach leverages the strengths of both early and late fusion by allowing for some shared learning across modalities while also preserving modality-specific features.
  • Late fusion processes each modality independently and waits to combine the results until a later stage. In contrast to early fusion, the AI model would analyze streams separately and then merge the outputs from each modality at the final output. This method is particularly useful when modalities are significantly mismatched or when the model needs to maintain modality-specific interpretability.

What makes multimodal AI different from traditional AI?

Multimodal AI is different than the typical AI use cases because its ability to digest information coming in different shapes or forms. Rather than just dealing with one kind of data at a time, this advanced version works with various types — think: text, pictures, sounds, and videos — to cook up better, more detailed results.

Multimodal AI takes in diverse sensory information to boost what AI can do. As a result, it's finding its place across many areas — in applications like health care, consumer gadgets, and self-driving cars. By picking suitable models for each type of input (like audio or images), ensuring they play nice together, and constantly improving them, multimodal AI systems can give precise and more complete answers to questions. 

As with any new tech, there are hurdles that must be overcome. For example, figuring out how to smoothly blend data types and keeping personal info secure. But by tackling these issues and forming a strategy that's mindful of privacy rights and ethical concerns, multimodal AI can be used in a way that’s both responsible and forward-thinking. 

Multimodal AI represents a massive leap forward in creating machines that understand the world more like how humans do through multiple sensor inputs — and making a big step forward in the journey toward truly intelligent artificial intelligence.

Why multimodal AI matters in today’s tech landscape

Modern businesses need to strike a balance between leveraging emerging technologies to streamline their data workflows and maintaining a human approach to decision-making. Since unimodal AI can only deal with one type of data at a time, it doesn’t always get the full picture — or deliver the best results. Multimodality, and by extension multimodal AI, helps to mimic human reasoning by combining multiple sensory inputs to reach more nuanced and comprehensive insights.

Analyzing data from multiple modalities offers a host of benefits to businesses. They can better understand their customers, optimize their operations, and drive innovation to increase profits. This strategy enhances decision-making by providing a richer context, enabling personalized experiences, and improving predictive capabilities. Additionally, a robust multimodal AI strategy helps businesses stay competitive by pinpointing the newest opportunities for growth and, as a result, building trust with their clients.

Key components of multimodal AI systems

There are a few foundations at the core of every multimodal AI system: deep learning techniques, natural language processing (NLP), and computer vision. Each of these components allows the AI system to interpret and respond to diverse inputs with greater accuracy. Let’s take a closer look.

Deep learning

Deep learning is a type of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to train computers to learn from data. Deep learning models for images and sequential data, like text or audio, are trained on large datasets to identify features and relationships within the data. These models can work together in multimodal AI to fuse data from different modalities, ultimately leading to a much more accurate deployment of the data.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a machine learning technology artificial intelligence that enables machines to understand, interpret, and respond to human language. 

In NLP, language models are trained using mass libraries of material so that AI systems can process various types of data and generate responses that make sense within the given context. This includes tasks like identifying keywords, analyzing sentence structure, and extracting information from text in spoken and written communication. In multimodal AI, NLP plays a crucial role in allowing the AI system to comprehend and analyze human language in tandem with other types of data, such as images or audio.

Computer vision

While NLP helps AI systems make sense of written and spoken data, computer vision helps them process visual data. This technology enables machines to interpret and analyze visual information from images and videos through techniques like object recognition and image segmentation. 

In multimodal AI, computer vision works alongside text or audio for a more nuanced set of insights — in healthcare, for example, computer vision can analyze medical images while NLP processes patient records for a faster diagnosis.

Use cases for multimodal AI in your business

Multimodal AI offers a huge range of applications that can enhance your efficiency, reputation, and profitability. Read on to explore some common use cases.

Customer experience and support

Multimodal AI can revolutionize how you interact with your customers with its ability to analyze customer feedback through text, voice tone, and facial expressions in videos. Using these segments, your business can gain deeper insights into customer satisfaction to provide better service and more targeted responses. Additionally, multimodal AI can power advanced chatbots for instantaneous customer support. For example, a customer could describe an issue with a product via text or voice and upload a photo, and the AI can use these inputs to solve the problem without human intervention.

Quality control

Multimodal AI is able to instantly detect defects in products by analyzing visual data from photos or live cameras alongside sensor or audio data. This integration catches quality issues early and reduces the likelihood of faulty products getting into the hands of customers. Multimodal AI can even predict equipment failures before they happen, which can reduce downtime and save costs.

Marketing and advertising

Every business owner knows how time and resource-consuming it can be to constantly generate marketing content. Multimodal AI can help expedite this process by combining text, images, and videos tailored to specific audiences. This allows it to both create personalized ads that resonate with consumers and assess the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

APIs and Multimodal AI

Kong serves as a pivotal use case for the application of multimodal AI by acting as the connective infrastructure that allows organizations to integrate and manage various AI-driven services and APIs. This approach enables richer interactions and more sophisticated AI functionalities. Here’s how Kong facilitates the deployment and management of multimodal AI systems:

Seamless Integration of AI Services

Kong’s API Gateway allows organizations to easily connect disparate AI services, including those specialized in processing different data types or modalities. For instance, a company might use one AI service for natural language processing (text), another for speech recognition (audio), and yet another for image recognition (visuals). Kong can manage the APIs for these services, ensuring seamless data flow between them and the applications that use them, thereby enabling a multimodal AI experience.

Secure and Scalable Access

The integration of multimodal AI services requires not just seamless connectivity but also secure and scalable access. Kong provides robust security features, including authentication and authorization, to ensure that only authorized users and systems can access these AI services. Furthermore, its ability to scale dynamically with demand ensures that multimodal AI applications remain performant and responsive under varying loads.

Consistent and Unified Policy Enforcement

Implementing multimodal AI systems within an organization’s digital ecosystem often necessitates the application of consistent policies across all AI services, such as rate limiting, logging, and monitoring. Kong enables the enforcement of these policies uniformly across all connected services, simplifying governance and compliance for multimodal AI applications.

Enhancing Multimodal AI with Custom Plugins

Kong's extensible API platform allows for the development and integration of custom plugins to enhance the functionality of multimodal AI services. For example, organizations can implement plugins to transform data between different formats or to aggregate inputs and outputs from various AI services, optimizing the overall performance of multimodal AI applications.

Observability and Monitoring

To effectively manage multimodal AI systems, organizations need detailed insights into their operation. Kong facilitates comprehensive observability and monitoring of all API traffic, including the interactions between different AI services. This capability enables organizations to troubleshoot issues, understand usage patterns, and optimize the performance of their multimodal AI applications.

In conclusion, Kong’s robust API management and security capabilities make it an exemplary use case for deploying and managing multimodal AI systems. By leveraging Kong, organizations can harness the power of AI across different data types and services, creating more intelligent, adaptive, and responsive digital experiences.

Multimodal AIs and APs

Preparing for your multimodal AI journey

In order to successfully implement multimodal AI into your processes, you need to carefully plan out your strategy. Taking steps to assess your needs and prepare your systems will ensure they work effectively for your business.

Identify your data needs and goals

Start by assessing your company’s existing data infrastructure to make sure that your current systems can handle the immense storage, processing, and integration requirements of diverse data types. These may differ for text and audio versus images and videos. After this, you can more clearly define your goals with multimodal AI, which will guide your implementation strategy.

Prepare to vary your data collection

For your multimodal AI model to work, you need a way to source various types of data. At your company, this may come from customer feedback, product images, training videos, transactional data — the list goes on. You should make sure that this data is high quality, labeled, and compliant with privacy regulations before allowing an AI system to process it. 

Gather your tech and frameworks

A solid multimodal AI system requires well-configured technology infrastructure, including powerful computers and cloud resources that can merge data from various sources and modalities into a unified system. This is crucial for building models that can process and learn from diverse inputs simultaneously.

Step-by-step guide to developing your first multimodal AI project

Now you’re off to the races, right? Not so fast! To ensure you tick all your boxes, here’s a step-by-step guide to help your multimodal AI deployment go off without a hitch.

Step 1: Define your problem areas

There needs to be a clear roadmap for any AI integration within a company — otherwise, you may end up forfeiting time and resources with faulty results. The first step is to pinpoint which areas in your company are inefficient and could benefit from specific scenarios where combining different types of data (or modalities) could enhance performance. Consider all the data types you have available to set objectives for what success looks like in your project. 

Step 2: Collect and prepare your data

You need a rich dataset to effectively train your multimodal AI model — but first, it must be vetted and organized. This might involve removing irrelevant or incorrect data, labeling it for consistency, or ensuring that it is compliant with regulations. Training your AI model with reliably sourced data is a critical step to ensure you get accurate results, and skipping this step may mean youl have to start over down the line. 

Step 3: Choose the right models for each modality

A multimodal AI system is designed to understand information from multiple sources, and each type of input requires a model that is specifically trained for its unique characteristics. For example, text data might rely on natural language processing (NLP), while image data would need computer vision to identify objects and patterns. You may need to test different models for their efficiency and ability to handle the specific data based on your project's desired outcomes. 

Step 4: Integrate modalities and train the system

Integrating different modalities into your AI system in practice is a bit like assembling pieces of a puzzle. Above, we mentioned early, intermediate, and late fusion techniques; landing on the right technique depends on whether your specific use case needs to fuse modalities directly or learn from their interactions first. 

You must implement a robust training regimen for your multimodal AI system to minimize errors and help it operate smoothly. By training it with a wide variety of examples from your data sources, you'll create more human-like reasoning that is both insightful and useful.

Step 5: Test and refine your model

Of course, regular testing and fine-tuning are essential in any AI system. This involves closely examining the outputs generated by the model and comparing them to your expected results. If there are noticeable errors, it indicates that your system needs additional training — or your data sets are inaccurate. It’s also possible that you need to tweak the settings in the model itself. It’s important to continuously evaluate your model on a schedule, rather than performing one-off audits. 

Overcoming challenges in multimodal AI

Making different types of data play nice, especially with varying origins and models, can get tricky. Here are a few common challenges associated with multimodal AI. 

Complex data integration

Multimodal AI models are inherently more complex than unimodal models because of the amount of data they process. This added complexity can lead to difficulties in training, optimizing, and scaling these models, and they often require substantially more resources.

To tackle this issue, you need to make sure you’re using the right architecture and fusion techniques. This may include transformer architecture, cross-attention mechanisms, or joint embedding spaces.

Data quality and availability

It may seem like we’re beating a dead horse, but the value of high-quality, labeled datasets for multimodal AI models cannot be overstated — and obtaining such data can be difficult. Additionally, different types of data may not always align perfectly in time or content, such as audio and video, and synchronizing these inputs so that the AI can interpret them accurately is a major hurdle.

To combat this, consider implementing automated data preprocessing pipelines that include functions like data cleaning, augmentation, and validation processes tailored to each modality. These will help detect errors and missing data while continuously diversifying your datasets. 


Finally, due to the complexity of multimodal AI systems, scaling them to handle larger datasets or more modalities can be time-consuming. This is due to both the technical aspect of scaling the models and the practicalities of managing and processing so much data. What’s more, multimodal models often act as "black boxes," making it difficult to understand how they arrive at their decisions. This lack of complete transparency can make scalability increasingly difficult. 

Leveraging distributed computing and cloud-based infrastructure can help your company handle large, complex datasets from various modalities. Distributed systems can dynamically allocate resources and process them simultaneously, while cloud platforms like AWS or Google Cloud offer scalable computing resources that can be adjusted based on the workload. This allows businesses to scale their multimodal AI applications up or down as needed. 


For companies that need to innovate faster and smarter, multimodal AI can be a game-changer. It can revolutionize your customer experience and operational capacity by producing the most accurate results. Embracing this technology not only opens doors to more creative solutions, but it also gives your company a powerful advantage as chatbots and virtual assistants become increasingly common.