July 18, 2023
3 min read

Join Kong’s Gamer Giveaway: Share Your API Story for a Chance to Win Donkey Kong, a PC, and PS5


We want to hear YOUR story. Tell us what you've built with Kong to enter! #MyAPIStory

Calling all innovators, software development wizards, and game-changers! Are you pushing the boundaries of digital transformation with APIs, microservices, service mesh, and beyond? Then we want to celebrate your story and achievements.

The team here at Kong is thrilled to roll out the red carpet for you with the #MyAPIStory campaign. This is your chance to bask in the spotlight and share your tales of tech triumph and innovation with the world. We want to hear how APIs have transformed your organization and how Kong’s solutions drive your success.

What's more? Your story could unlock a treasure chest of gaming prizes that will literally Kongify your world!

Why step into the spotlight?

APIs are the unseen heroes of digital transformation, sparking innovation, and breathing life into new growth opportunities. They really are the digital nervous system of the web. By sharing your #MyAPIStory, you can:

  • Highlight the groundbreaking work you’ve accomplished by harnessing the power of APIs and Kong’s solutions.
  • Be a beacon of success, and showcase how microservices and connectivity have sparked digital transformation within your organization.
  • Ignite inspiration across the community.
  • Win Kong's Ultimate Gamer Giveaway!

The prizes

By participating, you automatically enter our raffle for a chance to win a grand prize package that includes:

  • An original Donkey Kong Arcade game to bring that classic gaming charm home
  • A PS5 + God of War Gaming Pack to elevate your gaming sessions
  • A brand new PC to amp up your development and gaming experiences
  • A Kong swag pack to show off your API Innovator title

How to enter

  1. Visit our contest landing page and complete the submission form.
  2. Make sure that you read and understand the terms & conditions before you submit your story.

Submission guidelines

We want to hear about the magic you're making possible through APIs and our technology. Here's how to make your story stand out.

Give us a brief yet compelling summary of your API Innovator project. Here are some key points we'll be looking for:

  • Express your passion for APIs: Share why you love APIs and how they have empowered you to innovate.
  • Highlight why Kong was your API platform solution of choice and outline its benefits and impact. If possible, include backups like TCO savings, time saved, revenue boosts, and productivity impacts.
  • Describe your unique project or use case, emphasizing what sets it apart and why it deserves recognition.

Keep in mind, the judges will be looking for clarity, creativity, structure, presentation, and adherence to the campaign theme. Feel free to include up to three pieces of supporting materials to add that extra spark to your submission.

Key dates

Submissions for the #MyAPIStory campaign will be accepted between July 11, 2023, and September 30, 2023.

Our panel of judges will read and score all entry forms, considering the supporting materials submitted. Each entry will be scored on a scale of 0-100, based on specific criteria such as clarity, innovation, Kong’s solution utilization, and overall presentation. The entry with the highest total score will be selected as the grand prize winner.


You're achieving extraordinary things every day. It's high time to recognize and celebrate your innovative work! All stories may be featured as a Kong Innovator on our social media channels. Plus, one lucky grand prize winner will win BIG. Join us in celebrating the power of APIs in our evolving digital world! Head over to the #MyAPIStory page to sign up and for more info.