Product Releases
December 7, 2022
2 min read

Kong Konnect Supports Dynamic Client Registration, New Team Roles

Ishwari Lokare

We're excited to announce new features in Kong Konnect that are designed to increase security and streamline API management. Read on to learn more about what's new in Kong Konnect.

New Predefined Teams for Kong Analytics

Now you can give your users secure and fine-grained access to track analytics and monitoring information in Kong Konnect.

Prior to this release, only organization admins could access all the Analytics capabilities. Now your Konnect organization admin can assign the following two new Analytics-specific roles to provide users with the appropriate access privileges:

  • Analytics Admin: Users can fully manage all Analytics content, which includes creating, editing, and deleting reports, as well as viewing the analytics summary.
  • Analytics Viewer: Users can view the analytics summary and report data.

You can learn more about the predefined teams in the documentation.

Dynamic Client Registration GA

We're happy to announce that dynamic client registration support for application management using Okta is now generally available.

With this feature, you can directly integrate Dev Portal with your existing Okta identity platform for client authentication and authorization management to provide a more secure solution for your distributed applications. With this integration, you reduce the overhead of creating the application and mapping the credentials in both the Dev Portal and third-party identity provider.

Additional identity provider (IdP) support will be added in the upcoming releases. You can learn more about dynamic client registration in the documentation.

Application Registration Supported for all Runtime Groups

The Kong Konnect developer portal now supports application registration for services deployed across any runtime group to streamline the application registration process. We're excited to announce that this feature is now GA.

Earlier, application registration was only supported for services proxied through the default runtime group. This forced users to deploy applications that needed to be published on the developer portal only in the default runtime group. With this improvement, you now get the flexibility to register applications across default as well as custom runtime groups.

For custom groups, this feature will be supported for gateways on Kong Gateway 3.0 and above versions. There are no gateway version constraints for the default runtime group.

Refer to our documentation for additional details.

Figure 1: Application registration is now enabled for all runtime groups

Get Started Today

Kong Konnect control plane is hosted in the cloud and includes all of these new features and more. Getting started with Kong Gateway has never been easier.

Start your free trial today or schedule a personalized demo to learn more!