
API-Led Transformation for Public Sector Innovation: Singapore

Event Ended
May 30, 2024
Amazon Web Services Singapore Pte Ltd
23 Church St, Capital Square Level 9, Singapore 049481

In-Person, Hands-on Workshop with IMDA, Kong & Cloud Kinetics

API-Led Transformation for Public Sector Innovation: Singapore

Digital transformation is built on APIs. Modern organizations use APIs to modernize access to legacy systems, liberate siloed data, and break down monolithic applications into smaller, easier to manage components in order to rapidly increase their pace of innovation and deliver new digital experiences. Paramount to successful modernization is an API-first strategy that leverages cloud-native technologies to achieve security, automation, and performance at scale.

In this Hands-On workshop, we will demonstrate the ways Konnect can aid the Singapore public sector in adopting a federated API management model throughout their lifecycle, and show how the API Gateway pattern can be used for modernization.

Hear from Saju Pillai, Kong’s SVP of Engineering as he sheds light on how GenAI is driving APIs, and how Kong can help address these opportunities - to help future proof your platform strategy. He will be joined by speakers from both IMDA and Cloud Kinetics who will share their perspectives as well.

**Important Note: This workshop is exclusive to members of the Singapore Public Sector only. Please register with your official email address for verification and confirmation**

Learning Objectives:

  • Get an architectural overview of the Kong Konnect platform.
  • Set up Konnect runtime on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).
  • Learn what are services, routes and plugin.
  • Deploy a sample microservice and access the application using the defined route.
  • Use the platform to address the following use cases: Authentication and Authorization | Rate limiting | Response Transformer | Invoke AWS Lambda | Proxy caching
  • Learn how to do observability

What's Needed:

  • AWS Account - sign-up for one: here

  • Kong Konnect Account - sign-up for one: here (Konnect FREE)

  • For more information on Command Line Utilities & for instructions on running Konnect Data Plane on Amazon EKS; read: here

  • Laptop with internet access

Attendees will follow the AWS Setup, Kong Konnect, Kong Konnect Service Hub, Kong Konnect Runtime Manager, Kong Plugins, and Monitoring.

*This workshop requires a free trial Kong Konnect Plus subscription and an AWS account where there is an IAM user/identity that has proper permissions to set up the necessary AWS components to work through the workshop, as well as introductory knowledge in Kubernetes. The facilitators will provide temporary AWS accounts to be used for the duration of the workshop, so that attendees can get hands-on experience. The facilitators will also walk attendees through Kong Konnect sign up.

**Kong Konnect Enterprise is a Service Connectivity platform that provides technology teams at multi-cloud and hybrid organizations the “architectural freedom” to build APIs and services anywhere. Kong’s Service Connectivity Platform provides a flexible, technology-agnostic platform that supports any cloud, platform, protocol, and architecture. Kong Konnect Enterprise supports the full lifecycle of service management, enabling users to easily design, test, secure, deploy, monitor, monetize, and version their APIs

Presented By
Saju Pillai
SVP of Engineering, Kong
Robin Cher
Solutions Engineer (APAC), Kong