API Products Manager

Accelerate the consumption of your APIs by publishing any API product and getting instant visibility into which API Products are generating the most traffic for your business.

API Product versions

Manage multiple services by bundling one or more API product versions connected to a Gateway service.

API Products dashboard

Compress the time to publish APIs by automatically approving applications and developers. Configure and manage API product versions and view traffic, error, and latency data all through the API Products dashboard.

Application registration

Empower developers to seamlessly consume your APIs by registering applications for any API Product version using popular authentication methods and across a range of identity providers.

Feature overview

Take the first step in making your APIs available to developers.

API Versions

Environment specialization

Link API product versions to a Gateway service in different control planes and environments. Associate an API spec with a product version and make the spec accessible in the Dev Portal.


Contextual analytics

Optimize APIs and routes based on traffic volume and impact. Respond to outages faster through automatically generated reports containing critical metrics including traffic volume, error rate, and latency for the API product.

API Operations

Service documentation

Smoothly manage operations for your API Product via pre-built integration with platforms including PagerDuty and Data Dog. Reduce time to resolution based on timely information about an API’s core contributors and support personnel.


API specifications

Attach OpenAPI (Swagger) specs in YAML or JSON format to a specific API product version.

How it works

Provide descriptions of your API products including business context, use cases, and SLAs as part of markdown documentation, as well as specifications for each version of the API product.

Faster time to market

API Products dashboard is a single place to manage API version lifecycle, publish API products, and enable developers to start consuming them in minutes.

Proactive issue resolution

Be the first to identify performance issues impacting your customer's ability to consume your APIs.

Visibility into service consumption

Get insights into your most (and least) popular APIs by tracking usage by developer and application.

Customer stories

By following an APIOps approach with Kong, we can define, design, build, and deploy an API in production within 48 hours. This has greatly improved the experience for our customers.

Romain Genoulaz
Digital API Factory Lead
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More deployments a month

We selected Kong Konnect to power our new API landscape as it was a good fit for the existing ecosystem and also leveraged a lot of our existing team knowledge on top of all the other features it delivers. 

João Mikos
Director of Engineering - Developer Acceleration
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Requests per month

With Kong, we’ve taken a big leap forward in our ability to reduce operational overhead while efficiently scaling to support the increase in traffic requests from our rapidly growing customer base.

Neha Jaiswal
Product Manager
Read the Case Study
From Days to Hours

Reduced developer onboarding

Related resources

Get started with Kong Konnect today