
Securing Microservices: Adopting Zero Trust Principles in a Complex Digital World

The benefits of transitioning to microservices are immense. But making this transition comes with new challenges around security. It is critical for every organization to make security a primary consideration in the planning and execution of making a move to microservices.

Providing an in-depth look at the current security landscape and complexities involved in adopting APIs and microservices, this Infographic outlines the benefits of implementing "zero trust" principles that protect applications from cyberattacks by assuming no entity is trusted.

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Understanding and Addressing Security Complexities in Microservices Adoption

Key Takeaways:

  • 5 Key Statistics About Today’s Cybersecurity Landscape
  • Security Complexities in Microservices and Hybrid/ Multi-cloud world
  • Questions that Help You Assess Your Microservices Security Posture
  • How can you address potential Security Gaps?

Kong Security Infographic

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