
Delivering Secure API-Centric Microservices

Kubernetes is becoming the de-facto platform of choice for enterprises, providing significant operational benefits like autoscaling, self-healing, extensibility, and declarative deployment style. However, it is only a starting point on the path of continuous delivery of scalable API-centric applications.

This session shows how to deliver secure microservices on AWS, focusing on network and integrated ingress management, service mesh and GitOps.

Notes and comments

This session will show Kong ingress for kubernetes on EKS with AppMesh. The general approach for the EKS Software Factory will be presented during re:Invent 2020 (Jan 14). This session will use a similar approach but focus on integration of Kong for ingress management, using and how this approach can lead to more secure delivery of micro-services in the world that is more and more dominated by Kubernetes.


Mikhail Shapirov

Partner Solutions Architect, Containers

Amazon Web Services