Kong Builders – Managing Kuma Tokens with HashiCorp Vault

Kong Builders is a livestream series that takes our developer-focused toolsets and puts them on display in the best venue possible - building applications and connecting workloads.
Managing tokens in Kuma can be a challenging and manual process. Both the user and dataplane token lifetimes need to be manually tracked and managed. This ultimately becomes a burden for DevOps, and long life tokens end up being used.
In this session, you will learn how to:
– Leverage a secret engine like Hashicorp Vault to automate Kuma access and token management.
– Dynamically create, manage, rotate, and revoke both user and dataplane tokens based on lifetime.
– Set up auto-rotation for simple management of shorter TTL Tokens.
– Leverage different auth methods for token requests — for example, Github for users or IAM for services.