
Security, Decentralized: How Can You Build a Fortress With No Walls?

Aron Eidelman
Solutions Architect, Castle

As companies break down monoliths into microservices, their sense of ownership also becomes more fragmented and specialized. Development teams now have the scope to own their microservice end-to-end, and increasingly, that means taking on the burden of security and operations. Responsibility for security has changed with the advent of decentralization, with the focus shifting away from physical and infrastructure over to more abstract problems, such as trust and behavior. Today, for example, we care far more about identity than IP addresses and traditional perimeters. As decentralization continues, it becomes even more important for companies to assume responsibility for user security. To succeed, companies need tools that are flexible and composable. They need to avoid traditional assumptions inherited from monolithic or any quick fixes that ignore their users.

In this session, you'll learn:
1) How identity has become more complex due to decentralization
2) The pitfalls associated with traditional security techniques
3) How to enable more dynamic security based on identity, behavior and risk to improve customer experience
4) Why security needs to bridge both confidentiality and availability to be most effective

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