Product Releases
October 3, 2024
2 min read

Announcing SCIM Support in Insomnia to Automate User Onboarding

Marco Palladino
CTO and Co-Founder

Today we're excited to introduce SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) support in Kong Insomnia to automatically provision and deprovision user accounts using a third-party IDP. This capability will enormously simplify the process of onboarding enterprise users into Insomnia, and it's available today for every Enterprise plan customer.

By using SCIM, you can leverage a third-party IDP provider to automatically initiate user provisioning or deprovisioning without having to manually create (or remove) those user accounts. This capability can be used only in conjunction with the existing enterprise SSO functionality, which supports all OIDC and SAML-compatible IDPs like Okta and others.

The new SCIM capability also provides the ability to see recent logs to simplify the integration.

Enabling the new SCIM capability is extremely simple, and it can be found under the “Enterprise Controls” section of your enterprise organization. Insomnia will seamlessly provide an integration wizard to provision a secret token that can be used within the third IDP of choice to enable the integration.

Based on the grouping rules specified in the IDP, Insomnia will then be ready to receive requests to either provision or deprovision the user accounts automatically, ensuring that only the authorized accounts can access the API assets associated with the Insomnia account.

The most secure API client for enterprise organizations

By announcing this capability, Insomnia continues to invest in security features that allow every enterprise organization to securely manage access to their sensitive API assets like collections, design documents (OpenAPI), API tests, and API mocks.

This new capability is also compatible with the optional E2EE (end-to-end encryption) feature and works seamlessly with other security features like Storage Control to mandate if the API assets should be stored entirely locally — or on Git — without having to store them on the cloud.

We recommend every existing enterprise customer take advantage of SCIM onboarding today by navigating to their Enterprise Controls settings page.

Want to learn more about Insomnia?

Insomnia can help improve your security posture while allowing developers to be productive when designing, debugging, and testing their APIS. Reach out to our Kong’s sales team to enable SCIM, or visit