June 3, 2024
5 min read

Securing the Connected World: 5 Patterns for Scalable API and Service Protection


In the age of surgical robots, smart refrigerators, self-driving vehicles, and unmanned aerial vehicles, connectivity undoubtedly is a foundational block for our modern world. As we move further into the 2020s, this connectivity has expanded to encompass emerging technologies like 5G networks, edge computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Connectivity not only enables easy access to resources but also opens up opportunities to drive innovation by connecting isolated systems. It is the driving force behind digital transformation, powering everything from smart cities to Industry 4.0 initiatives.

The Growing Importance of Connectivity

With connectivity being key to how we live our lives, the concept of "connected everything" has become both a technological marvel and a prime target for attackers. The attack surface has expanded dramatically, with each connected device potentially serving as an entry point for malicious actors. Attackers exploit connectivity for monetary gain, intellectual property theft, and even geopolitical advantages by orchestrating sophisticated cyber attacks.

Recent cyber attacks have resulted in:

  • Exposure of confidential information

  • Loss of data and productivity

  • Incidents causing direct physical damage

  • Disruption of critical infrastructure

  • Ransomware attacks on healthcare systems

  • Supply chain compromises affecting thousands of organizations

The SolarWinds attack in 2020 and the Colonial Pipeline ransomware incident in 2021 serve as stark reminders of the potential impact of these attacks. More recently, the rise of AI-powered cyber threats has added a new dimension to the security landscape, making it even more crucial to implement robust security measures.

Securing connected systems at scale is essential for the continuity and safety of everyone today. As we continue to integrate technology into every aspect of our lives, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated.

Understanding Connectivity Security

With the proliferation of connected systems, the number of APIs and connections between systems have exploded in the last few years. This growth has been further accelerated by the widespread adoption of microservices architectures, containerization, and cloud-native technologies. Securing connectivity requires more than just securing the microservices exposed at the edge for external consumption as APIs (aka edge connectivity).

Given the complexity and ubiquity of network perimeters in modern architectures, securing the connectivity between applications and the connectivity between services within applications becomes critical. This multi-layered approach to security is often referred to as "defense in depth" and is crucial for protecting against sophisticated cyber threats.

The Zero Trust Model

In recent years, the Zero Trust security model has gained significant traction. This model operates on the principle of "never trust, always verify," applying rigorous identity verification for every person and device trying to access resources on a private network, regardless of whether they are sitting within or outside the network perimeter.

Implementing Zero Trust principles in connectivity security involves:

  1. Verifying identity and device health before granting access

  2. Implementing least privilege access

  3. Microsegmentation of networks

  4. Continuous monitoring and validation

The Role of Observability

Seeing all connections within applications, inside the organization, and at the perimeter is the first step to understanding the potential attack surface. Observability plays an important part in understanding the scope for securing connectivity in distributed and heterogeneous environments.

Modern observability goes beyond traditional monitoring to provide deep insights into the behavior of complex, distributed systems. It typically encompasses three main pillars:

  1. Metrics: Quantitative measurements of system performance

  2. Logs: Detailed records of events within the system

  3. Traces: Information about the path of requests as they move through the system

By leveraging advanced observability tools and practices, organizations can gain real-time insights into their systems' security posture, detect anomalies quickly, and respond to threats more effectively.

Securing Connectivity at Scale

Securing connectivity at scale requires conscious effort and a strategic approach. While there is no single specific approach that fits all scenarios, we share a high-level model that can be applied in a cyclical manner:

  1. Gain Comprehensive Visibility: Implement robust observability practices to understand performance, security, and configurations across services, teams, and environments. This includes leveraging AI and machine learning for anomaly detection and predictive analytics.

  2. Ensure Consistency: Achieve consistency across distributed services through fine-grained traffic and security policies. This may involve implementing service mesh technologies and adopting GitOps practices for configuration management.

  3. Encode Governance: Implement governance into onboarding via role-based access control (RBAC) and policy-as-code approaches. This ensures that security and compliance requirements are consistently enforced across the organization.

  4. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update security measures based on new threats, technologies, and business requirements.

Done completely and repeatedly, these steps help uncover and resolve security and compliance issues faster by tracking and auditing configuration changes, and thereon automating them. They also may help detect potential security vulnerabilities from anomalies by autonomously monitoring traffic.

5 Secure Connectivity Patterns to Scale

Let's explore five architectural patterns that organizations can implement to achieve secure connectivity at scale. We'll go from simple to more complex, with the caveat that these are just five patterns among many possibilities.

Pattern #1: Implement an API Gateway

Risk: APIs are exposed with inconsistent policy enforcement and implementation.

In many organizations, especially those in the early stages of their API journey, APIs may be secured inconsistently, if at all. This inconsistency creates vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit.

The classic mitigation to this risk is to standardize the application of API protection policies through an API gateway. An API gateway acts as a reverse proxy, routing all API traffic through a single point where security policies can be consistently applied.

Benefits of this pattern include:

  • Centralized policy enforcement

  • Simplified monitoring and analytics

  • Easier implementation of cross-cutting concerns like rate limiting and authentication

Modern API gateways often come with additional features like traffic management, caching, and transformations, further enhancing their value.

Pattern #2: Adopt APIOps

Risk: Multiple gateways for APIs, with inconsistent policy enforcement.

As organizations scale, they may implement multiple API gateways, each managing a set of APIs. This can lead to inconsistent configurations and security policies across gateways.

The mitigation is to adopt APIOps practices. APIOps, an extension of DevOps principles to API management, ensures that the same standards and controls are applied consistently across different gateways.

APIOps benefits go beyond security. They help speed up the developer lifecycle, addressing issues including:

  • Automated API testing and validation

  • Consistent documentation generation

  • Streamlined onboarding for new developers

  • Performance optimization

  • Version control for API configurations

By implementing APIOps, organizations can maintain security and consistency even as their API landscape grows and evolves.

APIOps - The Key to API Excellence: Unleash APIs' Full Business Potential

Pattern #3: Multilayer Security

Risk: Internal APIs are exposed externally with insufficient protection.

As organizations grow and evolve, APIs initially designed for internal use may be exposed externally, often without adequate security measures. This can happen due to changing team structures, shifts in API ownership, or evolving business requirements.

The mitigation is to implement multilayer security by enforcing different sets of policies at each layer, internal or external. This approach is efficient as it leverages existing policies and does not repeat their applications, potentially leading to inconsistencies.

Key aspects of multilayer security include:

  • Separating external and internal API traffic

  • Implementing different security policies for different layers

  • Using network segmentation to isolate sensitive systems

  • Applying the principle of least privilege at each layer

By layering security measures, organizations can provide defense in depth, making it much harder for attackers to penetrate critical systems even if they breach the outer layers.

Pattern #4: Improve Threat Detection and Prevention

Risk: With a large volume of API consumption, static rules will have difficulty accurately detecting malicious activity without triggering false positives.

As API usage grows, the sheer volume of traffic can make it challenging to identify malicious activity using traditional, rule-based approaches. Sophisticated attackers may use techniques like low-and-slow attacks or hide their activities within normal traffic patterns.

The mitigation is to implement advanced threat detection and prevention measures, leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies can analyze vast amounts of data to identify anomalies and potential threats that might be missed by traditional approaches.

Key components of this pattern include:

  • Implementing comprehensive logging and traceability

  • Utilizing AI/ML for anomaly detection

  • Employing behavioral analytics to identify suspicious patterns

  • Implementing real-time threat intelligence feeds

Tools like Kong's Immunity feature operate on this premise, using artificial intelligence to detect anomalies such as:

  • Extraordinary parameter values

  • Unusually long latency for an API

  • Unusual response and status codes

  • Abnormal traffic patterns

While these systems may not provide full protection on their own, they serve as a crucial early warning system, allowing security teams to investigate and respond to potential threats more quickly.

Pattern #5: Credentials as a Service (CaaS)

Risk: Inconsistent authorization due to binding authentication with authorization.

Many applications tightly couple authentication and authorization, often using standards like OpenID Connect. While this works well for a single application or protocol, it can create challenges when trying to support multiple authentication mechanisms or when integrating with legacy systems.

The mitigation is to separate authentication from authorization by implementing Credentials as a Service (CaaS). This pattern allows for various authentication mechanisms while maintaining consistent authorization enforcement.

Key benefits of CaaS include:

  • Support for multiple authentication methods

  • Consistent authorization enforcement across different systems

  • Improved flexibility and scalability of access control

  • Easier integration with legacy systems

Implementation typically involves:

  1. Separating the authentication process from authorization

  2. Storing authentication results in a session or token

  3. Using a standardized authorization mechanism (e.g., OPA - Open Policy Agent) for enforcing access controls

By adopting CaaS, organizations can maintain consistent security policies while supporting a diverse range of authentication methods and system integrations.

As we look to the future, several emerging trends are shaping the landscape of secure connectivity:

  1. AI-Driven Security: The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in cybersecurity is growing rapidly. These technologies are being used for everything from anomaly detection to automated incident response.

  2. Quantum-Safe Cryptography: With the advent of quantum computing on the horizon, there's a growing focus on developing and implementing quantum-resistant encryption algorithms to protect against future threats.

  3. Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA): This approach is gaining traction as a more secure alternative to traditional VPNs, especially in the context of remote work.

  4. Secure Access Service Edge (SASE): This cloud-delivered service combines network security functions with WAN capabilities to support the dynamic secure access needs of organizations.

  5. DevSecOps: The integration of security practices into the DevOps process is becoming increasingly important, ensuring that security is built into applications from the ground up.

  6. Edge Security: As more processing moves to the edge of networks, securing these distributed endpoints is becoming a critical concern.


Securing connectivity at scale is a complex but essential task in our increasingly connected world. By implementing these patterns and staying abreast of emerging trends, organizations can build robust, scalable, and secure systems that enable innovation while protecting against evolving cyber threats.

Remember, security is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process. Regularly reassessing your security posture, staying informed about new threats and technologies, and continuously improving your security practices are key to maintaining strong protection in the face of evolving cyber risks.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with connected systems, let's ensure that security remains at the forefront, enabling us to realize the full potential of our digital future safely and securely.