The latest news and announcements about Kong, our products, and our ecosystem, as well as voices from across our community.
API Authentication
February 7, 2022
Simplifying Authentication for Microservices Security
Kaitlyn Barnard
Service Mesh
November 22, 2021
Faster Microservice-to-Microservice encrypted communication with Kong Mesh and Intel
Claudio Acquaviva
Principal Architect, Kong
October 18, 2021
How Kubernetes Is Modernizing the Microservices Architecture
Marco Palladino
CTO and Co-Founder
January 14, 2021
The Importance of Zero-Trust Security When Making the Microservices Move
Marco Palladino
CTO and Co-Founder
October 2, 2019
Announcing Kong Studio: Design and Testing Built For Microservices
Mike Bilodeau