
Kong Developer Day: AI + APIs

Event Ended
June 13, 2024

In this era of generative AI and large language models (LLMs), organizations must establish robust practices for leveraging AI capabilities responsibly and at scale. The AI Gateway pattern has emerged as a critical solution.

AI is inherently driven by APIs, accelerating API traffic growth. But securely adopting AI across an organization requires addressing cross-cutting concerns like data security, AI governance, multi-model integration, and cost optimization.

Whether you're a developer looking to build multi-AI applications faster, a platform team enabling self-service AI capabilities, or a data scientist needing robust AI workflows - this is a must-attend session to future-proof your AI strategy. Unlock the transformative power of generative AI while ensuring governance and responsible adoption.


9:00am - What is an AI Gateway? (Marco Palladino, CTO, Kong)

10:00am - Down the AI Rabbit Hole (Shane Utt, Staff Software Engineer, Kong)

10:30am - AI Gateway Demo (Jack Tysoe, Field Engineer, Kong)

Talk 1) What is an AI Gateway?

In this session, Marco Palladino, Kong’s CTO & Co-Founder, will introduce you to the AI Gateway pattern - a centralized way for organizations to manage and control their AI models, applications, and services.

After Marco’s introduction, we’ll transition into a fireside chat. We’ll open it up to the audience for anything you want to ask, covering topics such as:

  • Challenges and considerations when implementing an AI Gateway
  • Best practices for AI governance and risk management
  • Future trends and developments in the AI Gateway space
  • Addressing audience questions and concerns

This is your opportunity to ask questions, share your experiences, or raise any additional topics related to AI Gateways and how you’re leveraging AI.

Talk 2) Down the AI Rabbit Hole: Leveraging AI in Your Projects Without Ending Up Lost in Wonderland

Generative AI is transforming the world around us, and is quickly becoming a part of the conversation as we greenfield new features and applications. It is very alluring to deliver AI features into our existing products, and think about new projects we might build around AI. However, you might have already found that the journey into the realm of AI often feels like tumbling down the rabbit hole into wonderland - a maze of complexity and uncertainty.

In this talk we'll dive into some of that complexity and uncertainty and discuss the AI/ML landscape as it is today. We'll discuss practical strategies for experimentation and how to even get started in this space. We'll cover how we've been approaching AI at Kong, and the importance of remembering that these AI services are ultimately served via APIs - and how API management is needed in order to move these projects from experimental to production.

If you're currently looking at how to leverage AI in your projects and how to mitigate complexity and risks, join us to share in the journey and our experiences together. We'll cover how you might avoid falling down the rabbit hole, or maybe discuss the situations where you might just want to visit wonderland after all?

Presented By
Marco Palladino
CTO and Co-Founder
Jack Tysoe
Field Engineer, EMEA, Kong
Shane Utt
Shane Utt
Staff Software Engineer