Learning Center
June 10, 2023
6 min read

What is an API Gateway?


In this revolutionary age for software, the rapid rate at which new architectural patterns have emerged has significantly impacted the way enterprises are now choosing to build, deploy and consume services. These changes have also welcomed innovative approaches to project workflows, opening the doors for DevOps and engineering teams to automate key areas of their API lifecycles and simplify complexity across the board. The solution? API Gateways.

In simple terms, what is an api gateway?

An API Gateway acts as a mediator between client applications and backend services in microservices architecture. It is a software layer that functions as a single endpoint for various APIs performing tasks such as request composition, routing, and protocol translation. The API gateway controls requests and responses by managing the traffic of APIs while enforcing security policies. This simplifies API management by providing one central point of control which aids developers in focusing on building individual services rather than being encumbered by complex networks of APIs.

API Gateway and Services

How do API Gateways Work?

The beauty of modern-day software systems lies in their ability to handle complex operations with ease.

The introduction of an API Gateway is no different. This innovative technology acts as a buffer between clients and backend services, taking care of all error-detection procedures while also granting access privileges where needed. At the core of this lies a well-structured architecture that enables proper routing based on request paths and other relevant factors. The bread-and-butter of a microservices architecture lies in its efficient communication method within an ecosystem of multiple self-contained services. Upon reception of its first contact, the backend service sends back responses through the API Gateway once processing completes. After this step, the Gateway takes over by analyzing these outputs before relaying them back to their intended party clients seeking collaboration with various involved services using one unified point of access. Furthermore, not only does an API Gateway provide credible clustering but also has options like working as a proxy server that accepts requests instead and directs actions accordingly.

In today's fast-paced world of digital development, efficiency is everything which is why the API Gateway has become so important in modern software projects. Acting as a central point of control for APIs across microservices architectures, this essential tool delivers enhanced performance thanks to smart task management like caching and load balancing.

API Gateway vs Microserivces

As organizations adopt microservices architecture, API gateways are becoming increasingly popular. The gateway acts as a single entry point for all backend services and simplifies development, deployment and management of the system for developers. Microservices present unique challenges such as managing cross-cutting concerns and service discovery, but a well-implemented API gateway can help address these issues.

Each backend service is designed to function as an independent application in a microservices architecture which can make it tricky to navigate client requests correctly or merge multiple services into one response. Building modern applications often requires dealing with numerous backends that may have separate routes or interfaces that must be handled uniquely. Enter the API gateway - it addresses this challenge by functioning as a singular interface between multiple backends, enabling developers to handle request-processing flow seamlessly from end-to-end.

API Infrastructure: API Gateway

API Gateway Features

API Gateway technology offers a range of benefits such as efficient management of incoming requests that easily routes them to pertinent backend services. Moreover, it can automatically translate protocols so that clients can interact with the service effortlessly.

  • API Traffic Management: Businesses can now simplify their complex backend systems to ensure seamless user experiences. An API gateway manages incoming requests and routes them based on key factors such as request path, headers, and query parameters, among others. It allows for efficient distribution of traffic and ensures proper load balancing among target endpoints.
  • Protocol Translation: When using an API Gateway, differentiation is resolved through its ability to convert one protocol into another. By translating data transmission modes at ease, the gateway makes interaction between clients and back-end services much more straightforward.
  • Caching: This is one key aspect that plays a critical role by enabling frequent storage of commonly used data so that back-end infrastructure handles lesser traffic while achieving optimum performance levels.
  • Load Balancing: By implementing Load Balancing through an API Gateway, incoming requests can be effectively shared among multiple instances of a backend service to improve both the scalability and availability of that service.
  • Developer Portal: Developers can take full advantage of an extensive developer portal made available through the implementation of an API Gateway. With the aid of this inclusive platform, they can easily discover APIs alongside tools for testing and consumption. Additionally, these resourceful sites contain helpful documentation, code samples and numerous other assets allowing for quick starts.

API Gateways vs. K8s Ingress Compared: Know Your Best-Fit Solution

What are the benefits of using API Gateways?

In the today's world of software development, API Gateways are essential for their ability to simplify management, improve scalability and availability while ensuring adequate security measures are in place. Facilitating protocol translations and providing analytics support uniquely empowers organizations to build robust applications that meet the demand of customers in today's constantly evolving ecosystem.

Simplified API Management

Managing APIs in a world where every app seems to have its own set of interfaces and endpoints can be a time-consuming task - unless you use an API Gateway. Centralizing your API controls saves you heaps of time and effort by merging all your different software interfaces under one umbrella solution offering greater flexibility and efficiency. Routing requests through a single entry point can work wonders in simplifying your system, especially when dealing with multiple backend services. By unifying the interface to your application and grouping multiple requests into one or transforming them for simpler processing by your backend systems, it takes a lot of load off developing and using the application.

Enhanced API Security

A possible weak point for any business's software or applications is the handling of client data. Attacks such as DoS (Denial of Service) or DDos (Distributed Denial of Service) work by overloading servers until they can no longer function effectively. API Gateways act as an efficient tool to safeguard against these cyber threats by processing any incoming traffic before it reaches its ultimate destination. They are particularly useful in identifying suspicious requests quickly and providing API authentication checks for additional safety from potential damage.

Improved Scalability and Availability

If you're managing an API, an API Gateway can help distribute the workload efficiently. With distributed incoming requests across various instances of an API, it does not get overloaded easily and enhances scalability and availability. In essence, this improves user experience through providing consistent and reliable service.

API Analytics

API Gateways have become the go-to technology for businesses that want to track their application programming interfaces (APIs). With API traffic analysis and capture capabilities, these versatile gateways can provide valuable insights on how clients use APIs, which services are the most popular, and where areas of concern may arise.

API Gateway Future Trends

The innovation within API Gateway technology has resulted in a significant enhancement of its performance, security, and scalability. As such, it would be remiss to overlook this crucial component as we continue to develop modern software. Kong is the fastest API Gateway and API Management Platform - allowing businesses to scale faster and unleash developer productivity with the most trusted and performant cloud native API platform.

Cloud Native

The world of APIs is increasingly complex - which is why so many companies are turning to cloud-native gateways for support. Highly scalable and resilient under pressure, these gateways have been specifically designed to meet the needs of modern businesses that need reliable connectivity across multiple domains. Their sophisticated microservices architecture allows for streamlined communication between various components alongside seamless integration with a multitude of cloud-based services.

Severless Gateways

The emergence of Serverless API Gateways is becoming more prominent. This involves the provision of API Gateway capabilities as a service, which eliminates the need for managing and scaling Gateway infrastructure. One major advantage of this new approach includes fast deployment and improved scalability, thus making it easier to administer large-scale API ecosystems.

AI Machine Learning Security

As cyber threats become increasingly complex and sophisticated, the role of machine learning and AI-based security in API Gateway security is expected to expand. These technologies can identify and prevent cyber-attacks in real-time, making API environments more secure.

In Summary

API Gateways serve as a singular entry point for processing all API requests. Its functionality is crucial since it features traffic management, security protocols, caching and monitoring that allow the effective management, optimization and safeguarding of APIs. With components such as routes, policies and endpoints working cohesively to ensure correct requests are processed correctly and redirected to appropriate backend services; an API Gateway provides a host of benefits including scalability, performance improvement and simplified management of APIs. It is predicted that in time to come cloud-native and serverless API Gateways will grow increasingly popular while machine learning-based security alongside AI.

Developer agility meets compliance and security. Discover how Kong can help you become an API-first company.