Product ReleasesOctober 24, 2024Swiftly Prototype and Test Your APIs With Konnect Serverless GatewaysErin ChoiProduct Marketing @ Kong
Product ReleasesOctober 16, 2024Insomnia 10.1 Adds New Collection Runner CLI, In-App Invites, and MoreMarco PalladinoCTO and Co-Founder
Product ReleasesOctober 3, 2024Announcing SCIM Support in Insomnia to Automate User OnboardingMarco PalladinoCTO and Co-Founder
Product ReleasesSeptember 11, 2024Announcing Kong AI Gateway 3.8 With Semantic Caching and Security, 6 New LLM Load-Balancing Algorithms, and More LLMsMarco PalladinoCTO and Co-Founder
Product ReleasesSeptember 11, 2024Announcing Kong Gateway 3.8Silvano LucianiDirector Product Management, Kong
Product ReleasesSeptember 11, 2024Kong Mesh 2.9: Increased Security Configurations and Health Check CapabilitiesJohn HarrisPrincipal PM Kong Mesh & Kuma
Product ReleasesSeptember 11, 2024Managing Kong with TerraformMichael HeapSr Director Developer Experience, Kong
Product ReleasesSeptember 11, 2024Managing Kong Konnect with Kubernetes CRDsMichael HeapSr Director Developer Experience, Kong
Product ReleasesSeptember 11, 2024Shine a Light on Shadow APIs Lurking in Your IT InfrastructureMiko BautistaStaff Product Manager, Kong
Product ReleasesSeptember 11, 2024Kong Konnect Dedicated Cloud Gateways Add Azure SupportJosh WiggintonProduct Management, Kong
Product ReleasesSeptember 11, 2024Konnect Serverless Gateways: Lightweight, Cost-Effective, and Fully Managed Kong GatewaysJesse MillerVP of Product Growth, Kong
Product ReleasesSeptember 11, 2024Introducing the Insomnia AI Runner: Accelerate and secure GenAI traffic to one or more LLMsMarco PalladinoCTO and Co-Founder