Service Catalog

A single source of truth for all services and APIs running in your organization.

Mitigate API risk

Proactively mitigate vulnerabilities by eliminating undiscovered or unused APIs within your organization’s IT infrastructure.

Boost developer productivity

Collaborate and resolve issues faster by aggregating dispersed information about their services into a single system of record.

Enforce policy and governance

Track and identify non-compliant services across the organization based on security, compliance, and engineering best practices with Scorecards.

See it in action

Learn how you can take control of your API environment with Service Catalog.

Feature overview

Gain and retain visibility into your service and API ecosystem and manage discovered entities.

Service inventory

Universal Service & API Registry

Automatically discover services and APIs by integrating with your Kong API and AI Gateways, Kong Meshes, and other infrastructural components across your organization.

360 Service visibility

Extensive Systems Integrations

Access necessary information about your services, such as their code repositories, on-call rotations, CI/CD pipelines, and more.

Measure governance

Service Scorecards

Quantitatively track improvement in adherence to security, compliance, and engineering best practices across the organization.

How it works

Automatically compile a comprehensive registry of all services and APIs running in an organization.

Improve security posture

Automatically keep Service Catalog up-to-date as it detects live services and APIs from integrations with: Kong Gateways, Kong Meshes, serverless functions, Kubernetes deployments, and other infrastructural components proxying live traffic.

Enhance developer productivity

In a centralized view, access key information about a service including its owner, upstream/downstream dependencies, documentation, dashboards, and more. Use the catalog’s search functionality to find information about existing services and identify opportunities for code reuse.

Advance organization-wide compliance

Quantitatively measure improvement in organizational compliance with Scorecards based on Kong-recommended best practices and industry standards.

Natively integrated with Kong runtimes

Service Catalog’s out-of-the-box integrations with Kong Gateway and Kong Mesh enable customers to quickly get started with populating their catalog.

Related resources

Get started with Kong Konnect today