Product Releases
October 2, 2019
2 min read

Announcing Kong Studio: Design and Testing Built For Microservices

Mike Bilodeau

Today we’re thrilled to announce a brand new product area for Kong – Kong Studio, an integrated design and test environment for Kong Enterprise customers. We are excited to make the leap in extending our service control platform to include pre-production use cases focused on improving the way that customers build and test their microservices and APIs. With Kong Studio, customers can easily adopt a modern, spec-driven approach to development while also automating many of the tedious aspects of maintaining API documentation in increasingly complex service environments.

As organizations worldwide increasingly adopt microservices, they face new challenges in standardizing documentation, managing deployment risks and maintaining efficiency across their development teams. We built Kong Studio builds on top of the popular open source Insomnia API testing platform (now a part of the Kong family) to provide a design and test suite focused on solving these challenges. With its native integration to Kong Enterprise, Kong Studio allows users to seamlessly edit, test and publish REST and GraphQL services directly onto the Kong Enterprise runtime and Dev Portal.

Some of the benefits Kong Enterprise customers will see by adopting spec-driven development with Kong Studio include:

Increased Developer Efficiency

The journey to spec-driven development starts with authoring specifications. Kong Studio streamlines development by providing the ability to generate code snippets in numerous languages, automate testing via OpenAPI linting, directly sync to Git, and enable inspection of responses beyond just JSON and XML. Integrating these into a team's development workflow offers enterprises the opportunity to increase efficiency regardless of their existing environments.

Reduced Production Risk

The next step in spec-driven development is updating your services in production. Native integration to Kong Enterprise allows you to automate this as well and push updates to Kong directly from Studio. Before doing so you can also minimize deployment risk with tests that reflect your production environments. Chain requests to understand dependencies throughout the end user's entire journey.

Improved Governance

Finally, spec-driven development also improves your ongoing compliance with your organization’s policies. Kong Studio lets you test service interactions with popular authentication methods, including OAuth. You can also encrypt end-to-end to ensure appropriate data privacy and security within Kong Studio.

Kong Studio is available as a standalone add-on to Kong Enterprise. To learn more about how Studio can help your developers build better services, check out our Data Sheet.